Wednesday, July 5, 2023

July 5, 2023

Jonah 3: 1 Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time. (NIV)

We fight daily against what seems to be unfair while sometimes being the one dishing out unfairness to others.*

It has always been difficult for me to accept that life ain’t fair. Of course, I prefer that life comply with my standards for fairness – which as it turns out, aren’t exactly fair as they tend to slant in my favor. The truth is, if life were fair I wouldn’t have EVERYTHING while others have less than their daily bread.

We see that Jonah, too, had a double standard for fairness. In an attempt to avoid having to obey a command that he found distasteful, he ran away from God. No doubt, being turned into live bait was also distasteful! With the smell of fish vomit to remind him of what could happen if he went on the lam again, Jonah took advantage of his second chance and delivered God’s message to the Ninevites. And here is where Jonah’s sense of fair play takes a turn for the worse. He became sullen and resentful when the people of Nineveh repented of their wickedness and were given their own second chance.

Do we want God to be fair? Or do we just want him to play favorites? We benefit from his great patience and accept his forgiveness – over and over – but are we willing to extend the same grace to others? Do I see my behavior as a mistake while the same action is an unpardonable offense when someone else does it? 

Through Jonah’s story, we learn that God expects fairness from us, but not from himself. If God were more fair and less merciful, no one would get a second chance.

Do we appreciate the do overs God grants?*

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