Thursday, July 20, 2023

July 20, 2023

Luke 9: 10, 11 Then he took them with him and they withdrew by themselves . . . but the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing. (NIV)

The way Jesus conducted himself clearly shows us his priorities.*

If anyone could manage to be all things to all people, it would have been Jesus. As the Son of God, he knew everyone’s physical needs and had the power to meet them all. But, as a human, Jesus had physical needs of his own – food, water, rest, relationships. And because his ministry was more about meeting spiritual needs, he accommodated the crowds according to his Father’s carefully crafted plan, not according to any manmade agenda.

Read the gospels and watch Jesus as he demonstrates a balanced life of service. Follow him along with the crowds and see how he gave of his time and energy to preach and teach, and heal and feed the masses. In this passage, see the importance of discipling and encouraging the faithful. And, throughout his story, see him devoting time to be alone with his Father.

I am pretty sure I have never claimed to be too full to eat dessert. Similarly, we are never too busy for quality time alone with God. If it was a priority for Jesus, it should be for us. Follow his example for a balanced and accomplished life.

We treat God as though he were an intruder into our busy and important lives.*

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