Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 4, 2023

Luke 15: 13, 14, 17 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country . . .  When he came to his senses . . .” (NIV)

The far country
is always swept by famine.* 

I have a family member who, after a lifetime as a faithful Christian, has turned his back on God, the church, and his marriage. At this point, we don’t know what his trajectory is but it’s not looking good. While he has made his choices willingly, he also admits to being lonely, depressed, and hopeless. It seems to me that he has entered a far country that has been swept by famine. 

If you have a prodigal son or daughter in your life, perhaps you, too, can find hope in the parable of the lost boy. There is a boatload of hopefulness to be found in the phrase, “When he came to his senses.” If our loved ones are simply out of their minds, there is more reason for optimism than if they have deliberately given in to sin. I am praying that my lost one will not know peace until he is down on his knees. 

The father in the story serves a dual purpose for us. 1) He sets an example of diligent vigilance: he never gives up praying and watching for his son’s return; and 2) He illustrates the love of our Heavenly Father as he, too, waits for his prodigals to come to their senses.

Our Father is relentlessly in pursuit of his children. He has called us home with his word, paved the path with his blood, and is longing for our arrival.*

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