Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11, 2023

I John 5: 13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. (NIV)

You can never be the same after the unveiling of a truth.*

“I write these things . . .” John says. What things? In this letter to Christians, John offers practical guidelines for leading a life of faith – tips about walking in the light; warnings against loving the world; reminders that we are children of God; and lots of words about God’s love and faithfulness.

This particular verse has been used to encourage people who have doubts about their salvation. While I won’t rule it out as helpful news for someone who isn’t sure that she is saved, I don’t read it as addressing an individual’s insecurities but as a general statement to all: eternal life is ours for the taking.

So how do we know if we are saved – not just that Jesus died to save us but that right now, at this moment, we are saved? I struggled with this question for years because 1) I mistakenly believed that I had some responsibility in saving myself; and 2) I knew I could never be good enough. Well, I was half right. It is true that I could never be good enough – and I don’t have to be. And as soon as I realized that I can’t save myself and that the power that created the universe is also the power that’s invested in my salvation, I could receive the message on a personal level: You may know that you have eternal life.

My assurance of salvation is built on the “solid ground of truth,”* not on whether or not I feel saved. We don’t concern ourselves with our worthiness - we trust in Jesus’ faithfulness (I John 1: 9).

We do not sufficiently exalt the power of God, unless we think it to be greater than our weakness.*

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