Wednesday, July 12, 2023

July 12, 2023

Romans 14: 12 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. (NIV)

The Lord keeps no record of our transgressions, and neither should we.*

Perhaps you, too, have seen the video of dogs who have been caught misbehaving. Their body language speaks clearly of their guilt as they hang their heads in shame or try to slink away into invisibility. Isn’t that how we imagine that we will behave on that day when we are called to appear before God and give an account of ourselves? I tried to be good. I never meant to hurt anyone. I’m so sorry for what I said. I’m so ashamed. How can we face God with what we have done? Where can we go to hide our shame?

Picture this instead: You are standing before God. He says, “Give an account of yourself.” And you reply, “The blood of Jesus.” And God says, “Well done.” You have nothing to be ashamed of. No reason to hide. The blood of Jesus has purified you from all sin (I John 1: 7). 

Since the world’s sin must be . . . charged . . . to someone . . . it cannot be ignored by the holy God – it follows that the world’s sin was imputed to Christ, and He expiated it in His vicarious death.*

1 comment:

  1. This is great truth that needs to be accepted and praise God for for Daddy God sees us through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ I took away all of our sins on the cross and by his stripes we are healed and made whole amen
