Sunday, July 23, 2023

July 23, 2023

Nehemiah 8: 12 Then all the people went away to . . . celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them. (NIV)

There is something spiritually strengthening that happens when the Word of God is revered, taught, and applied.*

It was an “aha moment” for the Israelites. One-hundred years of resettling is behind them. Fulfilling their destiny, you might say. But in the busyness of life and rebuilding, they have neglected their raison d’ĂȘtre: the God who delivered them from exile. Until today. Ezra brings out the Book of the Law of Moses (verse 1) and begins to read aloud to them. From daylight until noon, they listened and remembered, and then they worshipped.

Can you recall a time when a biblical truth became your truth? Was there ever a passage of scripture that suddenly spoke to you in your present situation? Has the Holy Spirit ever revealed to you the message of hope that you so desperately needed? Perhaps now would be a good time to remember those moments and praise God for them again. Make it an occasion of worship.

Whether you are merrily living your life or facing daily struggles, ignorance of God’s word is not bliss. For daily living or for comfort and healing, God’s word speaks to us. Neglecting the word limits the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. I prescribe a daily dose of the Bible – for what ails you now and to help prevent future ailments – and I predict great joy when you begin to understand the words as they become known to you.

I can examine the same verse or passage from time to time, and the Holy Spirit will ‘speak’ truth in applicable ways for what is happening in my life at that particular time.*

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