Thursday, July 27, 2023

July 27, 2023

Genesis 41: 16 “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.” (NIV)

God does not expect us to stand firm in our own inadequate strength.*

Joseph is my hero. I wouldn’t say that he laughed in the face of adversity, but he surely knew how to make lemonade out of life’s lemons – even if it took years to squeeze out the juice. We watch as he climbs out of the pit of despair time after time. So, how could someone who overcame so much be heard to say, “I cannot do it”?

In this story, Pharaoh has sent for Joseph for help in interpreting his dream. Most of us in Joseph’s position – in a dungeon, no less – would have been eager to tell Pharaoh what he wanted to hear. At the least, we might say, “I’ll try!” But, “I can’t do it,” was the truth. Interpreting dreams was not a skill that Joseph acquired and developed on his own – it was from God. And so was his confidence.

In the past, God had given Joseph the ability to interpret dreams, but would he come through on this occasion? I don’t think Joseph knew the answer to that. But what he did know was that God’s will would be done. Whether God chose to reveal the meaning of the dream, or whether God had some other purpose in mind for Joseph’s current situation, Joseph’s faith in God was unwavering.

In prosperity or adversity, our faith in God should be as steadfast. He has the power to deliver us from the dungeon, but what if he doesn’t? Will we trust that he is still on his throne and that in all things he works for the good of those who love him?

God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you Who He is.*

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