Saturday, July 29, 2023

July 29, 2023

Revelation 2: 10 Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. (NIV)

Being faithful to God often comes at considerable cost.*

How long will you pursue a goal? Four years of college for a degree? More for a masters or a doctorate? How about working your way up the ladder at your job – how long before you give up on that promotion? Found the girl of your dreams but turns out you’re not in her dreams? When is it time to move on? We all have different thresholds for crossing over from hope to hopelessness. No one else can tell you when you’ve had enough.

When it comes to attaining the crown of life, are you ready to be faithful until death? Actually, in this message delivered to the church in Smyrna, John is referring not so much to faithfulness over a long period of time as he is to keeping the faith even under the direst of circumstances. In the earlier part of this verse, he warns of suffering to come, thanks to Satan’s efforts. In the case of the Smyrniots (I had to do some research to find that word!), the predicted suffering was inevitable. For us, it is a possibility. We might not have to suffer to the point of death in the cause of Christ because the devil has other weapons in his arsenal. The good life can be as much a challenge to our faithfulness as persecution. As James reminds us, we are dragged away and enticed by our own evil desire (James 1: 14).

So, are you goal-oriented? Will you be faithful until you die? Can you be faithful when it is a matter of life and death? How strong is your faith in the face of hardship? Inconvenience? Is the crown of life worth it to you?

Be faithful today and then do it again tomorrow.*

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