Monday, October 30, 2023

October 30, 2023

Jonah 3: 5 The Ninevites believed God. (NIV) 

Are there individuals in our circles of influence who might be surprisingly receptive to God’s Word?*

Have you ever invited someone to church and they surprised you by showing up? Perhaps you had no idea they were interested in church. The invitation was unplanned – a long-shot. Sometimes these people are one-timers, but sometimes they become committed Christians. And where would these new believers be if not for someone’s off-hand suggestion that they go to church?

Jonah didn’t want to “invite” the Ninevites to "church.” He had a very bad experience when he tried to run away from his assignment. After all was settled between him and God, Jonah obeyed the word of God and preached throughout the city. And, lo and behold, they believed God. They fasted and prayed and repented from their wicked ways.

I don’t know how long the Ninevites stayed true to the Lord. Some may have remained faithful for life. No doubt many fell back into their old lifestyle. Just like our friends who show up at church – some stay, some don’t. But that does not relieve us of our duty to make the effort to lead them to the Lord.

Witnessing to the lost is often a daunting undertaking. We don’t know what to say. But sometimes it’s as easy as, “Hey, would you like to go to church with me Sunday?” If you’re like me, if you have had any conversations with the person at all, they already know how important your church family is to you. You have already witnessed to them. Inviting them to church is just the natural next step. Don’t be a Jonah and cause God to take drastic measures to get you to do your duty!

Never underestimate the power of God’s truth to penetrate and transform human hearts.*

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