Thursday, October 12, 2023

October 12, 2023

Luke 23: 42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (NIV)

Rock bottom creates a solid foundation on which to rebuild a life.*

Jesus was crucified between two criminals. One hurled insults at him; the other dared to ask a really big favor. Was this a humble request from a man who believed that Jesus was more than just another criminal? Or, did he just have nothing to lose? He took no risks, made no sacrifices – no faith required. His life was not going to change. His death would be a relief – or maybe . . . just maybe Jesus offered hope to a hopeless man.

Where are you on the hope continuum? Do you have nothing to lose, making it a no-brainer to say “yes” to Jesus? Are you just hoping that Jesus has something to offer you that’s better than what you have now? Or does following him require you to step out in faith? Are you taking risks, making sacrifices, surrendering all to Jesus? Do you believe that it will all be worth it, not in a hopeful way but in a faithful way?

Someone has said, “This dying man could easily say, ‘I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live.’”* Yes, literally he was crucified with Christ. But we are called to be crucified with Christ as well. It's not a call to physical death, but spiritually we no longer live because Christ lives in us. We have nothing else to lose.

Christian faith does not offer us a peaceful way to come to terms with death. No, it offers instead a way to overcome death.*

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