Tuesday, October 3, 2023

October 3, 2023

Luke 24: 9, 11 When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. . . But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. (NIV)

Trembling and trust often co-exist in us.*

“Why were they not sitting by his tomb, waiting for his appearance three days later?”* someone asks. He told them the plan. After all they had seen and experienced, how could they have been surprised at the women’s report of an empty tomb?

To be fair to the Eleven and the other followers of Jesus: what would have been your reaction to the news? My thoughts and feelings would have been similar to what I think and feel today: I have absolute faith that the Lord is going to do what he says he will do; I don’t doubt his divinity. But would I have been expecting him to raise from the dead after I watched him being tortured to death? I’m pretty sure that I would have thought that I had misunderstood what Jesus said. Between the symbolism and the parables, I would have had more questions than answers. Being told that the grave had been abandoned would have just left me with a big old blank space in my mind.

Jesus knew every doubt, fear, and misconception in the minds of his faithful followers. Following his resurrection, he began a systematic campaign to answer questions, calm fears, and plot strategy. He wasted none of his time chastising them for their moments of weakness and their lack of comprehension. He had work to do; they had work to do. And so do we. We don’t have time to wallow in guilt because of failure or doubts. Jesus offers forgiveness accompanied by graciousness. We fall down, he picks us up, brushes us off, gives us a hug . . .  and off we go. The lost world is waiting!

Don’t confuse grace with indifference toward sin.*


  1. I love it!!! The lost world is waiting and we do have work to do. I'm not sure of what my response would have been either. Would I have been waiting at the tomb? Thank God that I am getting to know Jesus better everyday I walk with him. Awesome Post Connie. Awesome Post!!!
