Sunday, October 29, 2023

October 29, 2023

I John 1: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (NIV)

Light reveals us to ourselves.*

I showed up at work one day wearing clothes that didn’t match. The top and the pants looked perfectly fine together in the light at home but not so much in the fluorescent lighting at the office. To determine the true colors in my outfit, I suppose I should have gone outside in the sunlight. 

John urges us to walk in the true light, not for the sake of fashion, but for the sake of fellowship with God and purification from sin. We could choose to walk in the light of our conscience: doing what we think is right or what is right for us. Some may walk in the light of duty: doing the right thing out of a sense of responsibility. Others may look to the opinions of the world for their source of light – walking in the light of the majority.* (As someone wryly observed: “What most people think is true is reality enough for me.”*) But for true enlightenment, our walk must be illuminated by the light that Jesus walks in. 

To avoid fashion faux pas, you should consider the light sources in the environment where you will spend your day. But for your spiritual walk, it is where you will spend eternity that matters. Choose the only light that can reveal your true colors and walk in that light as he is in that light.

All your life should be seen and measured in the light of eternity.*

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