Friday, October 13, 2023

October 13, 2023

II Corinthians 4: 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. (NIV)

He uses the weakest instruments to accomplish His mightiest works.*

I don’t have any treasure but I do have some important documents that I have stored in a fireproof safe. Because I live in Florida, I placed them in waterproof pouches before I put them in the safe. You can’t be too careful with your valuables.

God is not as cautious as I am. He has chosen the equivalent of a grocery bag in which to store the message of the gospel. We, like jars of clay, are “fragile and unspectacular,”* but he has entrusted us to share the good news of forgiveness and eternal life. God is not concerned about safety or security or weatherproofing. His storage vessel is imperfect, unattractive, and unreliable; and without doubt, if we are effective witnesses, it will be because of his power, not because he has used a flashy messenger. We should not be intimidated because we are weak and unobtrusive. That is why he chose us. 

God glories in using perceived weaknesses for his purpose.*

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