Monday, August 7, 2023

August 7, 2023

Exodus 14: 5 When the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled, Pharaoh and his officials changed their minds about them and said, “What have we done? We have let the Israelites go and have lost their services!” (NIV)

Making an impact on one soul for Jesus’ sake is still what it’s all about.*

When a member of my staff came to me with his resignation, I was sad to lose him – but I found someone to fill the position right away. No one is irreplaceable. We would all like to think that the world would at least come to a gentle slow-down if we weren’t there fulfilling our function – and maybe it would. Briefly.

The Israelites were doing the jobs that the Egyptians didn’t want to do themselves so they were going to be missed. God’s people should leave a void in their absence – but for more than just taking up space. What would happen in your community if your church members all fled? Would anyone notice that you were gone? What about you personally? Are you making a difference in anyone’s life?

In the movie, While You Were Sleeping, Lucy and Peter are talking about acts of heroism. Lucy tells Peter that she has seen him give up his seat on the train to an old lady. Peter shrugs it off, saying that giving up your seat is hardly heroic. Lucy says, “It is to the one who sits in it.”

If you think that your small acts of service don’t amount to much, consider the repercussions if you failed to perform them. The vacancy we fill may not be a big one but everything we do for the Lord matters.

When I feel inadequate and ordinary, I love to remind myself that Christ is extraordinary, Christ is self-sufficient, and he can use my service to impact others.*

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