Saturday, August 12, 2023

August 12, 2023

I Corinthians 15: 33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”*

Consider who Jesus spent his time with while on earth. He spent time with, worked with, and changed the lives of those who were broken and lost.*

With a few exceptions (monks, agoraphobics, prisoners in solitary, people who work from home), it is impossible to live in the world and avoid “bad company.” In fact, we shouldn’t. Jesus set an example by his associations with sinners of all kinds. And, he commanded us to go out into the world. How can we avoid bad company if we are to be witnesses in the world?

In this verse, Paul issues a warning: Bad company corrupts good character. I define bad company as anyone who is influential enough to lead me astray. When you start to blend in with the world, you have probably been hanging around with the wrong crowd. If you are not making an impact on their lives, they may have impacted yours. As Christians, we are faced with the twin dangers of becoming like the world and isolating ourselves from it.* How do we balance our call to be in the world with our need to be protected from its influences?

Before heading out to the beach, wise Floridians know to slap on some sunscreen. Before exposure to the world, wise Christians know to protect themselves with the SPF (“sin protection factor”) of the Holy Spirit. Proper preparation is key. Do not go out there before you cover yourself with prayer to safeguard against the effects of the UV (“ultra-vile”) rays of the world. Never think that you are immune to the damage of over-exposure. Even people who “tan easily” can get sunburned!

If we want to be like him, then we must do everything we can to maximize the time we spend outside our church buildings.*

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