Friday, August 18, 2023

August 18, 2023

John 15: 15 “I no longer call you servants . . . Instead, I have called you friends . . .” (NIV)

With privilege comes responsibility.*

As I worked my way up the ladder in my career, each promotion meant more money – and more responsibility. Many times it meant giving up some of the tasks that I really enjoyed and supervising others in performing them. Each step up was also a sign of my boss’s faith in me as she continued to earn my loyalty. We did a lot for each other during those years.

Jesus’ disciples have just gotten a promotion – from servants to friends. What did that mean for them? It meant that they went from ignorance of their master’s business to being on the inside track. Their step-up included the usual more responsibility: Go and bear fruit (verse 16); and Love each other (verse 17). It did not come with a bigger paycheck, but there were some perks: The Father will give you whatever you ask in my name (verse 16).

While the downside of my upward career moves involved giving up a few fun jobs, the disciples’ promotion came with a dire warning: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” (verse 18) Jesus didn’t promote the disciples from servants to friends just to buy their loyalty – but they were going to need to maintain their loyalty if they wished to retain their new positions.

In spite of the risks that go with the promotion, being a trusted friend is so much more rewarding than being a servant/employee. In this case, it is eternally rewarding!

God has always called us to faithfulness over success.*

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