Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20, 2023

I Peter 4: 12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. (NIV)

When before the throne we stand in Him complete . . . we shall know in fulfillment what we now believe in faith – that all things work together for good in His eternal purpose.*

Floridians are always prepared for hurricanes. Our houses are built according to strict codes. We have candles, matches, flashlights, and batteries stored in a handy location. We have a few containers that can be filled with water at a moment’s notice. Some of us may even have extra ice already on hand in our freezer. Many have a pantry well-stocked with non-perishable food items. We know the safest areas in our home in which we can hunker down and ride out the storm. But being prepared is not the same as BEING PREPARED! Nothing could have prepared me for my first hurricane, even though I knew to the minute when it was going to pass over my house.

So, it might not be possible to be totally prepared for what lies ahead in the Christian life, but Peter tells us we shouldn’t be surprised by it. He warns us specifically about the bad things we might experience – but we shouldn’t be surprised by the good things, either. Jesus made some promises that should encourage us - not just to help us endure until we reap our heavenly reward, but promises that can sustain us here and now. He says that if we make God’s kingdom and righteousness our priority, we won’t have to worry about what we will eat, drink, or wear (Matthew 6: 33). If we ask, we will receive; if we seek, we will find; and if we knock, the door will be opened (Matthew 7: 7). Are you tired and burdened? “Come to me,” he says, “and you will find rest for your weary souls.” (Matthew 11: 28, 29) He promises life to the full (John 10: 10), and, my personal favorite, he promises to be with us always (Matthew 28: 20).

We don’t know what storms are approaching. Some of us may get through this life without ever having suffered for our faith, but life itself can be turbulent. Peter advises us not to think it’s strange when bad things happen to us. But while life offers up many surprises, Jesus lives up to our expectations. Every time.  

Hard times don’t erase God’s promises.*

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