Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27, 2023

Matthew 5: 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” (NIV)

Disciples, if they are true to their calling, make the earth a purer and more palatable place.*

In Jesus’ day, salt was a valuable commodity. It had – and still does have – many uses. When he said that we, his followers, are the salt of the earth, to which of its applications did he refer? Maybe he didn’t limit himself to just one. As a preservative, as a vehicle of wealth, as a necessity for the proper functioning of the human body, as a means of making the lost thirsty for the gospel – a case could be made for any of them. But how about as seasoning?

As Bob Russell says, “Salt doesn’t get much credit. No one gets up from the table, licking their lips and raving, ‘That was the best salt I’ve ever tasted!’”* But what if the cook neglected to salt the food? You may not notice the salt when it is properly applied, but you sure know when it’s missing. Is that what Jesus meant about our presence in the world? When we share the gospel – when we live the gospel – we add seasoning to an unpalatable world. Just as salt is not supposed to be the centerpiece of the meal, we are not to call attention to ourselves – but the world should surely notice if we went missing.

But here’s the thing: salt can’t do its thing if it stays in the salt-shaker. In order for us to be a preservative, a thirst-enhancer, or seasoning, we have to be in the world. We can’t hunker down in our church buildings, isolated from lost people, and expect to make a difference in their lives.

Be salty, my friends!

When we isolate ourselves from sinners, we lose the ability to connect with them on any level.*

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