Friday, August 25, 2023

August 25, 2023

Isaiah 1: 16, 17 “Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” (NIV)

All change is hard, but every change God requires is possible. By the grace of God, you can change.*

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, so they say. Well, they might be wrong - and people aren’t dogs. When God says to stop doing wrong and learn to do right, he doesn’t make accommodations for the age of the person. Old or young, if he commands it, it can be done! No excuses. 

In this passage, we find a principle reiterated by Jesus in his ministry and Paul in his letters: cease the bad stuff; start doing the good stuff. If you really want to replace your sinful habits with behavior that glorifies God, the world is full of opportunities. Your church is a great resource for chances to serve and contribute. Here are some other ideas: 

· Seek justice: volunteer as a Guardian ad litem; contribute to IJM (International Justice Mission); participate in a prison ministry. 
· Encourage the oppressed: contribute to Voices of the Martyrs; volunteer at a women’s shelter. 
· Defend the cause of the fatherless: support a foster care ministry – or become a foster parent; sign up to be a Big Brother or Big Sister. 
· Plead the case of the widow: Not all widows are elderly – and not all widows are women (they’re just called widowers), but most could use help with yardwork, car maintenance or repairs; a friend to go to lunch with or sit with in church; or someone to check on them every week (call, text, email - not very time-consuming but very encouraging). 

If you want to stop doing wrong, look for ways that you can do right. God commands it!

Regardless of your age and stage, you have unique opportunities to serve the Lord.*

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