Wednesday, August 2, 2023

August 2, 2023

Matthew 11: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (NIV)

Strange paradox! that a man already weary and overloaded must take a new weight upon him, in order to be eased and find rest!*

Jesus’ words often require us to abandon our common sense and learn to look at things in an uncommon way. Here he begins by lulling us with his talk of rest for the weary – but in his very next breath, he says, “Take my yoke upon you . . .” (verse 29) That doesn’t sound restful! Perhaps we don’t quite understand what Jesus means by “rest.” As Oswald Chambers wrote: “He is not saying, ‘I will put you to bed, hold your hand, and sing you to sleep.’”*

As we continue to read in verses 29 and 30, we see that Jesus defines his rest a little more precisely – “you will find rest for your souls,” he says. He’s not talking about a 15-minute break every morning and afternoon. The rest that Jesus promises is something we can experience even as we continue our work. We might look at the pleasures the world has to offer and think that it’s a better deal, but when we put on his yoke – when he becomes our master – we learn that his yoke – his job requirements – are easy, and his burden is light. Because he shares our load and carries our cross.

It may not be a power nap, but Jesus’ rest is refreshing and invigorating – from the inside out.

Resting in the Lord does not depend on external circumstances . . . but on your relationship to God.*

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