Thursday, March 2, 2023

March 2, 2023

Acts 13: 29 “When they had carried out all that was written about him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb.” (NIV)

God always writes the last chapter.*

Jesus lived his whole life knowing what his destiny was. He knew the prophecies about the Messiah and that he was the fulfillment of them. (Read Luke 24: 27.) But what about the other people involved in Jesus’ life, ministry, and death who played key roles in carrying out the predictions in scripture? Did any of them realize the significance of their actions?

We see from the events surrounding Jesus’ life and death that God can use anyone to accomplish his will. In this speech in the synagogue in Pisidia Antioch, Paul doesn’t distinguish between those who cruelly executed Jesus and those who lovingly tended to his body afterwards. Everyone played their part in fulfilling the prophecy. Just as the players in the drama of Jesus’ life and death were unaware of their role in history, we may be clueless about God’s plans for our lives.

Many Christians believe that God has a detailed blueprint for each of his followers, but I’m don’t see it that way. While we are often faced with choosing between right and wrong, most often our big life-choices are between good and good. God gives us free will and so we get to make up our own minds about whom to marry, where to live, what career to pursue. Every decision should be preceded with prayer for God’s direction – because every decision has the potential of being that defining moment for those who are called to a specific path. But if God hasn’t spoken to you through a burning bush, or an angel, or your cousin Mordecai, chances are your calling is to glorify God in the everyday life you have chosen for yourself.

That having been said . . . even so, perhaps it would be wise to live as if you are expecting to fulfill a unique niche in history. Prepare yourself for your potential mission: study and meditate on God’s word daily; develop a healthy prayer life; look for opportunities to serve and witness; be open to the Holy Spirit’s counsel; love God and love others. Do this and you will fulfill God’s (large or small) purpose for your life. 

We make decisions throughout each waking moment of the day, but first those decisions must be evaluated and compared with what God has instructed his people to do.*

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