Sunday, March 12, 2023

March 12, 2023

II Kings 6: 16, 17 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (NIV)

We have an army of help just beyond the realm of our senses.*

As the movie, Quigley Down Under, draws to a close, we are certain that our hero is done for. He has been dragged behind a horse by one of the minions of the villainous rancher, Marsden; and a raggedy band of Redcoats has come to arrest him. A pause in the action becomes ominous as the wind picks up and stirs the dust in the Australian Outback, accompanied by some appropriately moody background music. Slowly everyone begins to look up and all around them as the camera pans to the hills surrounding the ranch where hundreds of Aborigines have gathered to come to the aid of Quigley, the man who was hired to exterminate them but who became their champion when he realized Marsden’s nefarious plan.

I can visualize the reaction of Elisha’s servant when the Lord opened his eyes. Like Quigley, he thought all was lost, until he looked up and saw that he was surrounded by an army more formidable than that of the enemy. Unlike Quigley’s adversaries, the Arameans were blind to their peril and were easily led to their defeat.

Elisha’s declaration that “those who are with us are more than those who are with them” doesn’t just apply to the Israelite army on that day. It is a promise that any follower of Jesus can claim. We may not be able to see our source of help with our eyes - but sometimes we only have to look up from our despair to see that we are surrounded by an army that stands ready to come to our defense. Our army of help is spiritual but it can take on human form. In the community of believers, prayer warriors can marshal the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit on our behalf. Brothers and sisters are eager to live their love for God by loving those who are in need.

Quigley’s deliverers would have still been there for him even if he had not looked up and seen them. But he would have missed out on the hope that came from knowing they were there. Don’t deprive yourself of that hope in your life. Look up and see. Let God show you why you have no reason to fear.

Jesus did not try to do it by himself. Why should you?*

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