Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Be Still - January 4, 2023

Isaiah 42: 6 “I, the Lord, have called you to righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.” (NIV)

Nothing is more powerful than the touch of the Lord's hand.*

When I was in college in Tennessee, some friends and I took a drive up into the Smoky Mountains. At one point, we got out of the car to explore the banks of the Little Pigeon River. The others started “rock hopping” in the river but I, knowing my klutzy tendencies, declined to join them. One friend insisted that I would be fine if I just took his hand and stepped out onto the rock next to him . . . I spent the rest of the day with one wet shoe.

Today you may find yourself standing on the banks of the River of Righteousness and God is calling you to step out. When he takes hold of your hand, not only will your feet stay dry, you will rock-hop through life. DO NOT attempt this without him. There will be hazards – sometimes the distance between two rocks requires a little leap of faith; there will be rapids threatening your footing; friends - like one of mine - will offer dubious assistance. But when God calls you to cross the river, he will go with you and make sure you arrive safe and dry.

Stepping out in faith isn’t such a hard thing if we just remember to let God take hold of our hand.  

Being in God’s will is the only safe place to be.*

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