Friday, January 13, 2023

Be Still - January 13, 2023

Colossians 1: 7 You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf. (NIV)

Inviting people to come to church is good, but inviting ourselves into the world is better!*

I was "raised in the church," as they say. My parents took me to church when I was two weeks old and I have been in church almost every Sunday of my life since then. (Watching on-line during a pandemic counts, right?) I can’t point to one person and say, “He introduced me to Jesus.” I grew up surrounded by faithful witnesses – a blessing of immeasurable value!

Who brought the gospel to you? I love to hear stories from people who had an Epaphras in their life – someone who prayed for them, invited them to church, shared their testimony with them, never gave up on them. These people understand that if it had not been for their Epaphras, their story would not have a happy ending.

Perhaps your story is like mine and your Epaphras was a group rather than an individual. Good for us. Better for us if we allow God to use us to be faithful ministers of Christ. Who in your life needs to hear the gospel? Start praying. Be intentional. Don’t give up. Be an Epaphras! Someone’s eternity depends on it.

Our commitment to pray for people struggling with sin will significantly impact their spiritual growth.*

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