Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Be Still - January 18, 2023

I Corinthians 2: 4, 6 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power . . . . We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature . . . (NIV)

Biblical wisdom is not associated with great learning or with anything particularly intellectual or scholarly.*

Have you ever felt like a sermon was “over your head”? Are you friends with a “spiritual giant” who makes you feel like a spiritual gnome? Do you feel inadequate when your small group is having a lively theological discussion and you can’t keep up? Let me offer you some hope.

In this passage from Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, he refers to the beginning days of his ministry with them. Because of some issues with a few other churches, he resolved to keep it simple with the Corinthians. Rather than attempt to speak to them with eloquence, he relied solely on the Holy Spirit’s power to persuade. And here is where we find our first glimmer of hope for the spiritually befuddled: the power of the Holy Spirit.

Just as Paul was relying on the Holy Spirit to relay his message to his audience, we can count on the Holy Spirit to deliver the message to us. No matter how smart we might be, or how slow we are to catch on, it is the Holy Spirit who speaks to us through the Word of God. If you are getting into the Word but it doesn’t seem to be getting into you, do not lose hope. Trust in God’s Holy Spirit to reveal the truths that you need.

Which brings us to the second whisper of hope: The Holy Spirit reveals the truths that you need. Yes, Paul goes on in this passage to say that he speaks a message of wisdom among the mature. Those who are ready for a deeper message should be getting a deeper message. Spiritual maturity is our goal, but, physically and spiritually, we all mature at different rates. It is a mistake to compare your level of maturity with someone else’s. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in you in his own time.

And finally: Just because someone is a few steps ahead of you doesn’t mean they are more saved than you are. We aren’t saved by what we know or what we do but by faith in Jesus Christ. How much more hope do you need?

People aren’t saved by how much they know.*

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