Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Be Still - January 24, 2023

Luke 4: 32 They were amazed at his teaching, because his message had authority. (NIV)

Listeners filter every message through the messenger who delivers it.*

I was privileged to participate in a Chamber of Commerce sponsored program which encouraged the development of potential local leaders by exposing them to the community and those already in leadership positions. I was especially impressed with the presentations on Nature Day by a Fish & Wildlife Officer, and on City Government Day by a city planner.  While I was not particularly interested in the subject matter, these men were able to engage my attention for two reasons: 1) they clearly loved what they did; and 2) it was obvious that they knew a lot more about the material than they had time to share.

If I had been in Jesus’ audience that day in Capernaum, I believe I would have been amazed for the same reasons that I took an interest in wetlands and upland, and enclaves and annexations: he loved what he was talking about and he knew his material. But would it be enough to be amazed that he taught with authority? The wildlife officer didn’t inspire me to follow in his footsteps; the city planner’s job was safe from me. Once the entertainment value has worn off, what is left?

We have to believe that Jesus is more than just a good man who could connect with the crowd. If we don’t believe that his authority comes from the Father – that he and the Father are one – our lives will not be changed. For the sake of eternity, our response has to be more than amazement. We should be moved to say, like Peter: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6: 68)

He exemplified the things that He taught.*

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