Thursday, January 26, 2023

Be Still - January 26, 2023

Leviticus 19: 32 “Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord.” (NIV)

God’s approach to respect discloses a value system that differs markedly from that of America.*

When it comes to the social and civil issues addressed in the Law, Jesus said very little about them beyond, “Love God” and, “Love your neighbor.” With these two rules as our guiding principles, we should be able to treat our fellowman with the respect and dignity God commanded in the Old Testament. If you want specific examples of God’s standpoint, I suggest you read his commandments for yourself.

This verse in Leviticus is a case-in-point. In the harsh conditions of the ancient Middle East, it would have been easy to toss out the old people who had outlived their usefulness. Those who had nothing left to contribute to the welfare of the household could have been dehumanized in the eyes of the family members whose workloads were already strained before adding the care of an ancient relative who wasn’t dying fast enough. But God doesn’t see it that way. His command to respect the elderly is followed by a stern reminder: “I am the Lord.” He is the Lord and all humans, young and old, are created in his image and therefore worthy of respect.

“I am the Lord,” reminds us, also, that we should treat all others with the respect due to one who is created in God’s image.

If you’ve ever wanted to know what God thinks about a host of topics, the Law provides that opportunity.*

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