Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Be Still - January 17, 2023

James 1: 14 Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. (NIV)

Temptation is a tough business. It is managed by a real pro.*

Satan is very good at his job. I don’t say that because I admire him – I say it because we need to be aware of it every moment of every day. The Bible calls him the deceiver. By twisting the truth ever-so-slightly, he can make us believe a lie. As observed by another, he “promotes his own . . . counterfeit version of love, joy, and everything else good that God has created.”*

When it comes to temptation, Satan does his homework. He mass-produces enticements and evil, but he also personalizes it for individuals. I recently heard a prayer request for the daughter of a friend who left Christianity to become a Mormon. How many of us could include that in our list of temptations?

James says it is our evil desires that lead us into trouble. Because we have bought into society’s definition of evil, we reserve the word for only the most heinous perversions and atrocities. Tempted to gossip, tell a little white lie, take the Lord’s name in vain, go somewhere you shouldn’t – so what? It won’t hurt anyone so go ahead. Evil? That would be the child molester or the axe murderer; not me.

I have heard that we underestimate Satan’s power to tempt us and overestimate our power to resist. It is true. If we are not vigilant and prayerful, we will be dragged away and enticed and walk right into sin of our own free will. Jesus showed us how to resist temptation: Arm yourself with the Word and wield your weapon vigorously! Bathe yourself in prayer and never dry off!

Don’t ever think you are immune to temptation.*

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