Saturday, April 1, 2023

April 1, 2023

Luke 14: 28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?” (NIV)

When we commit our lives to Christ, we are opening ourselves up to the most radical reconstruction possible.*

A few years ago, our church embarked on a building project for which we solicited pledges from the members of the congregation. Because those who committed to the project came through 100%, we were able to proceed with the plans. Another church began a similar campaign but had to scale back on their plans because the members were unable to pledge the goal amount. They knew it would be foolish to start a construction project without first securing the funding.

Jesus reminds us (in verses 26 and 27 of Luke 14) that following him is an expensive project. It could cost us our family or even our life. It may be daunting to think that we must be willing to give up everything in order to be his disciple – but even more so when we face the fact that everything is not enough.

Have you ever received a credit card bill that shows that you don’t owe anything this month? That in fact, your account has been overpaid and they owe you money? What if someone else had paid that balance for you? That is what Jesus does for us. If we are willing to give everything to him, he will pay off everything that we owe. Our everything may not cover the minimum monthly payment, but his everything pays our debt in full.

Count the cost. Then carry your cross and follow him. 

Jesus doesn’t ask us to choose him over the worst things in life. He asks us to choose him over the best things in life.*

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