Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24, 2023

Ephesians 5: 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. (NIV)

A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for him or her.*

It is hard for me to discuss the subject of drinking alcohol without being judgmental. Because I grew up believing it was a definite “no-no” for Christians, it is difficult to be open-minded about it. Even though I’m pretty certain that the Bible only speaks out against drunkenness and not against drinking in general, I am not going to condemn or condone today; I’m just going to offer some points to ponder. (I’m sure my bias will show . . .) 

1. Do not get drunk, Paul said. I say: If you never drink, you will never have to worry about crossing that line. 
2. Overdoing anything can be sinful – or lead to sinful behavior. Gluttony is a sin but we have to consume food in some quantities. There are only extreme circumstances that might require a person to drink alcohol. 
3. Instead be filled with the Spirit. If you need a glass of wine to help you unwind perhaps you are denying the Spirit’s ability to meet your needs. 
4. Drinking alcohol can damage your witness. The world watches Christians and gloats when they think we are being inconsistent. People who see absolutely nothing wrong with having a beer will criticize Christians for doing the same. 
5. “People who don’t drink do not become alcoholics.”* 
6. “‘Everything is permissible for me’ – but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible for me’ – but I will not be mastered by anything.” (I Corinthians 6: 12) 

Think long and hard before you post that picture of your celebratory drink. In fact, pray about it. I will try not to be judgmental of your decision – but I am not the person whose weak conscience you need to be concerned about.

If our society is indifferent to us, could it be because we have become indistinguishable from the world?*


  1. Amazing, We were having a conversation about this very topic yesterday. Peopl have many different views and opinions about this subject. Of course the bible tells us, be not drunk with wine. It also tells us to be sober minded. I know that I can not safely drink a class of wine or beer as far as that is concerned. Everyone one who drinks is not an alcoholic, but every alcoholic drinks. I just thank God for his word. It clearly tells (Me) to stay away. One thing I do know. You cannot talk to me about the goodness of God, if your filled with another kind of liquid spirits. For me I must abstain from the very appearance of evil. Great Post!!!
