Saturday, April 29, 2023

April 29, 2023

Hebrews 12: 1 “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles . . .” (NIV)

Every day you live in Christ and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit should see a growing resemblance between your life and Christ

I have to confess a silly thing that I do: When I pack before going on a trip by air, I am very conscious of the weight that’s accumulating in my suitcase because when I check my bag, I don't want to find out I have exceeded the 50-pound limit. Now here’s the silly part: once I reach my destination, every time I use my toothpaste or shampoo or lotion, I think, “My suitcase is going to be that much lighter on the return trip.” I’m pretty sure, though, that I have never used enough of my personal products to make a difference in the weight of my luggage!

The writer of Hebrews encourages us to toss away anything that holds us back spiritually, but sometimes my spiritual baggage is shed in tiny little increments rather than all at once. Unlike my suitcase though, my load gradually gets noticeably lighter as I learn more about God’s word and his plan for my life and as I grow closer to him.

What is hindering you? What sin are you entangled with? Are you burdened with guilt? Are you a worrier? Do you feel inadequate because you don’t know the Bible as well as you should? Are you lonely, afraid, or struggling financially? Perhaps you can’t throw it all aside and take off running. Perhaps like me, you will have to spend time in Bible study and prayer and fellowship with people who have “been there,” losing those encumbrances one dab of lotion at a time. You might not notice the difference today, but one dab of lotion at a time will eventually empty the bottle!

God didn’t form us to arrive on the scene perfectly settled and secure. He left space inside us to yearn and reach out – to one another and to him. He gave us room in our souls to grow together.*

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