Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 16, 2021

Ephesians 4: 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (NIV)

The church is the best expression of what God’s ultimate kingdom looks like.*

My body is not perfect. One leg is shorter than the other. My ears stick out. I have to wear glasses and I have had extensive dental work. And either I weigh too much or I’m too short. But for the most part, my body performs well as a unit. The church is a similar organism – imperfect yet functioning. 

The human body can limp along without some parts but many of our organs are crucial to sustaining life. The church has only one perfect and indispensable part: the Head, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4: 15). As for the rest of us parts: 
  • We must stay attached to the Head. 
  • We are all part of the supporting cast that joins and holds the body together. 
  • As each of us does our part, the body grows and builds itself up in love. 
  • If one of us doesn’t do our part, the whole body suffers. 
In a human body, it is obvious when some parts aren’t meeting expectations, but there are internal components whose failure to perform might not be so noticeable – at first. These hidden parts are like those who serve in the church with little recognition but who provide essential support to the parts that get all the attention. Without them, the body suffers. No part of the church body should feel inferior to another. For a body to be perfect, every part has to fulfill its function. Continue to do your part - and watch as the body grows and builds itself up in love.

Man’s influence is often greatest where it is least acknowledged.*

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