Sunday, April 30, 2023

April 30, 2023

Mark 3: 14 He appointed twelve – designating them apostles – that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach. (NIV)

God wants our precious time, not our spare time.*

When Jesus called the 12 men who were to become his closest associates, he didn’t hand them an elaborate and intimidating syllabus, a reading list, and a schedule of quizzes, tests, and projects. He called them to be with him. Being with him was for his benefit as well as for theirs. While he was preparing them for their future ministry, they were providing companionship for him. As God, Jesus was purposeful and driven; as a man, he craved moral support from his friends. 

God, too, hungers for human company. I was reminded of this recently while I was out for my (sort-of) daily two-mile walk. On this particular morning, it occurred to me that I was wasting 30 minutes a day in random trains of thought to nowhere when I could be praying. So, I began trying to remember all the names on my prayer list as I struggled to formulate coherent requests on their behalf. Not surprisingly, I found it difficult to concentrate and walk at the same time. Then, very clearly, I heard the Lord speak. “Just be with me,” he said. My daily walk has now become a spiritual discipline of awareness of God’s presence. 

God doesn’t need our companionship but he desires it. And being with him is as important a part of our spiritual walk as any of the busyness of serving him. If you think you don’t have time to stop and just be with him, that’s when you most need to stop and be with him.

Service for the Lord is important but it must not keep us from spending time alone with Him.*

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