Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 23, 2023

Mark 15: 21 A certain man from Cyrene, Simon . . . was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross. (NIV)

If we’re looking for a comfortable faith, then we’re not going to want to follow Jesus.*

Simon the Cyrene is the only man in history who was ever forced to carry the cross of Jesus. The rest of us have a choice: to carry or not to carry. When poor Simon was snatched out of the crowd for his moment of fame, he may have experienced some discomfort and even a bit of embarrassment. Mark doesn’t tell us how far Simon had to drag that big old tree but when he was done, it became Jesus’ burden once again.

What happens to us when we decide to carry the cross of Jesus? Discomfort? Embarrassment? Jesus doesn’t give us specific examples of what carrying his cross entails, but he does tell us this much: It involves self-denial on a daily basis (Luke 9: 23). What that self-denial looks like in your life might not be the same as in mine. We are not all tempted by the same things. We have different triggers and different callings. And while daily self-denial sounds like a dismal lifestyle, when we say “yes” to carrying the cross, we, like Simon of Cyrene, will discover that Jesus has not asked so much of us. For some, a season of suffering. For most, perhaps discomfort. Maybe embarrassment for a few. For all, a short journey with a heavy load. And before we are done, we realize that the cross was always, ultimately, Jesus’ burden to bear.

“Take up your cross and follow me,” Jesus said, in the least manipulative invitation that has ever been given.*

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