Monday, September 18, 2023

September 18, 2023

Matthew 4: 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (NIV)

Fish don’t jump into the boat.*

When I was growing up, my parents had a friend who was what is known as a "colorful character." I recall that he claimed to be responsible for bringing mockingbirds into our part of the state – and if he revealed how that was accomplished it has slipped my mind. Another story involved a large fish that jumped into his arms as he was sitting in the boat. While neither tale was impossible, both were improbable.

When Jesus promised to turn his followers into fishers of men, he didn’t expect us to sit in the boat and wait for the catch of the day to land in our arms. But neither did he intend for us to be solitary fishermen, alone and clueless on the riverbank. With his invitation to follow him, there are some implied expectations:
  • He will fish with us. 
  • He will show us how to fish – including where and what bait and equipment we should use. 
  • Fishers are not always catchers – and catching isn’t promised.

When Jesus uttered these words, he spoke to two brothers who were actual fishermen. I don’t know what went through their minds when they tossed aside their nets – and their livelihood – and followed Jesus, but I do know, by their actions, that they stepped out in faith. Because later stories involve water and boats and fish, we may assume that Peter and Andrew probably returned to their jobs eventually, if only temporarily. But they didn’t know what the future held – only who held the future.

You may be hesitant to follow Jesus into the world of fishing but if you will follow him in faith, he will take care of the catching. And the future.

God never asks anything of us he does not equip us to do.*

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