Saturday, September 2, 2023

September 2, 2023

Exodus 14: 31 And when the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant. (NIV)

The history of the Israelites should nail a coffin lid on the notion that impressive displays of God’s power will guarantee faith.*

Remember after 9/11 how united this country was – in patriotism, in faith in God, and in standing strong against our enemies? Why didn’t it last? We could ask the same question about the Israelites who upon witnessing God’s great power - wielded on their behalf - feared God and put their trust in him and in his servant, Moses. Why didn’t it last?
 I don’t know the answer – but I sure can speculate! In both cases – post-9/11 Americans and pre-wandering-in-the-wilderness Israelites – the momentum couldn’t be sustained because it was not driven by a sustainable force. In the USA, our solidarity was founded on feelings: fear, anger, loss - not unity of purpose. As for the Israelites, they feared and trusted God because of what they saw him do for them, not because of who he is. 
Our faith in God should be founded on his faithfulness. We should remain faithful to him because we know he will be faithful to us, and not because of what he gives us or does for us. He is in the business of fulfilling his plan – not granting our wishes. But as his plan involves working for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose, true faith lasts long after the emotion-inducing moments have passed.

True faith trusts God when he does not perform a dramatic demonstration of power in our life.*

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