Friday, November 3, 2023

November 3, 2023

Mark 16: 20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. (NIV)

Our effectiveness in fulfilling the Great Commission . . . depends on the way we connect the unchanging gospel with an ever-changing world.*

Matthew’s gospel ends with Jesus’ “Great Commission,” in which he charges his followers with spreading the good news throughout the world. Mark ends his gospel with “the rest of the story.” Thanks to Mark, we know that the disciples heard and obeyed. And we are assured that Jesus kept his promise to be with them.

As you picture the flurry of activity following Jesus’ marching orders, do you imagine hundreds of disciples filling a pulpit every Sunday morning? You kinda do, don’t you? Perhaps you also picture them going house-to-house like Jehovah’s Witnesses. Here’s how I think it happened: each disciple went out into his part of the world, or wherever the Spirit led him; each disciple preached the gospel wherever he was or wherever he went; each disciple’s method of preaching varied according to his own personality and strengths, the needs of his audience, the resources available to him, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. I daresay that for just about every method of human interaction you can think of, there was a disciple who employed it for the sake of spreading the gospel.

So why are you so intimidated by the thoughts of going into the world? All you have to do is allow the Spirit to lead you into the part of the world where he wants you (probably where you already are); be a witness with your life and your words according to your own personality and strengths, the needs of your audience, the resources available to you, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. As with the first disciples, the Lord will be with you. He will work with you and confirm his word by his activity in your life.

Now, go and preach! 

We are not to wait for the world to come to Christ; we are to go out into the world to preach Christ. Christianity must be aggressive.*

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