Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 29, 2023

Mark 6: 6 And he was amazed at their lack of faith. (NIV)

Put some people in a room and they behold no more than a blind horse would.*

What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever seen another human do (besides in traffic)? It’s hard to decide who gets the prize, isn’t it? In the college cafeteria, I saw a guy pour a glassful of Kool-Aid in his face because he was trying to read the logo on the bottom of the glass. Come to think of it, I’ve done stupider things than that myself. People will continue to amaze us – because I am sure we haven’t seen everything yet!

This verse gives us a peek into the humanity of Jesus. We aren’t told that he was amazed at the stupidity of the people in his hometown, but don’t you think it’s implied? His fellow Nazarenes were amazed by his teaching, his wisdom, and his miracles, and yet they couldn’t piece the clues together to form the logical conclusion: Jesus was the Messiah. Instead, they couldn’t get past his past: Isn’t he the carpenter? Isn’t he Mary’s boy? Didn’t I go to school with his brothers and sisters? And so, Jesus, who really had seen everything, was amazed at their lack of faith.

I don’t know if I’ve ever done anything that Jesus would consider to be amazing in a positive way but I would hope that I have never amazed him by my lack of faith. Perhaps my faith has been weak at times. And certainly I have been disobedient, rebellious, and indifferent; but how could I ever have no faith at all? There has never been a time when Jesus has not lived up to my faith in him.

What about you? Have you put the clues together and concluded that Jesus can be trusted? Or have you been distracted by your mistaken expectations of who he is and what he promises? Have you ever tested him by taking a step of faith, allowing him the chance to amaze you with his faithfulness? Or will you be among those who amaze him with their lack of faith?

A faith that can’t be tested can’t be trusted.*

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