Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 2, 2023

Hosea 6: 6 “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” (NIV)

Sacrifices were instituted as a graphic reminder of the seriousness of sin.*

Sacrifices and burnt offerings were required by the Law so what exactly does God want? Clearly, just going through the motions of obedience was not enough to please God, so why didn’t he include a law that spelled out how the Israelites were supposed to feel about the activity? . . . Because God’s displeasure was not about how the people felt about the rituals and sacrifices, but because they missed the point of the requirements. We might describe their demeanor as: “How to Be Religious Without Pleasing God.”*

The procedures for the sacrifices are spelled out in the book of Leviticus. The sacrifices and offerings were instituted as a symbolic means of restitution or atonement for the crimes committed against God. The guilt and sin offerings, usually performed first, were for cleansing – or forgiveness. The burnt offering was an expression of complete dedication to God. And finally, the fellowship offering completes the sequence, answering the original question: what does God want? Answer: he wants fellowship with his people.

Overall, Leviticus paints a picture of the kind of people God wanted Israel to be.* Throughout the book, you will find laws and rules dealing with how people should treat each other. Mercy is an overarching theme. And through the sacrifices and other rituals, we see God trying to restore his people to himself. Clearly, Hosea’s message reflects God’s desire and design to enable his perfect fellowship with Israel.

He has the same desire for us. No more burnt offerings, because the blood of animals was never sufficient to atone for mankind’s sins. Instead, he provided a perfect sacrifice who also painted a picture of the kind of people God wants us to be. Merciful, cleansed, and in fellowship with him.

No amount of religious ritual can substitute for doing what God commands.*