Sunday, November 26, 2023

November 26, 2023

John 14: 9 “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” (NIV)

The best way to picture God is to consider his Son.*

When my twin sons were babies, most people couldn’t tell them apart. You might say if you saw one, you had seen the other. Except it wasn’t true. If you saw one, you only saw what the other looked like. They were and are two entirely separate beings. Jesus doesn’t claim to be God’s identical twin - he proclaims himself to be God. In the flesh. 

I would ask this: Can you believe in God if you don’t believe in Jesus as his only Son? If you can’t accept that they are one and the same being, have you not created a manmade version of God – which is less than he actually is?

We can learn a lot about God from the Bible – Old and New Testaments alike. But if you really want to know the face and the heart of God, you must know Jesus. His Son and Himself. Put aside your confusion about the Trinity and allow yourself to make the acquaintance of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit through the life of Jesus Christ. Get to know the facts about Jesus by reading the Bible. Get to know him personally as the Spirit speaks through the word and works in you. The more you know, the more you will want to know.

We cannot know Christ, we cannot worship him as the Son of God, without accepting the Bible as an authoritative source for information about him.*

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