Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21, 2023

I Peter 2: 13-15 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king . . . or to the governors . . . For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. (NIV)

The key characteristic of godly and holy behavior in the public arena isn’t a political strategy or even a unified worldview. It’s

As I am writing this, our country is watching as mobs of people protest . . . everything. There is lots of dialogue about freedom of speech as they carry signs and shout their slogans. No matter which side of an issue you are on, I believe it is your constitutional right to speak about your beliefs. I don’t believe, however, that our laws give you the right to visit violence on other people, to destroy property that isn’t yours, or to interfere with someone else’s right to free speech.

That having been said, I ask: Is this the most effective way to get your message across? Not according to Peter. If we want to make a difference, he says, our strategy should include submitting to authority and – above all – doing good. You might – ahem – protest that one person’s good deeds aren’t going to accomplish much. Well, one person carrying a sign probably won’t get much media attention, but a multitude of sign-carriers gets to be in the news. So, an individual who goes about doing good might want to join forces with other doers of good to make a bigger impact.

How do you find birds of a feather for you to flock together with? Go to church. Get involved in ministry and outreach. If your church isn’t actively involved in good works, be the instigator. Your leadership may just be waiting - and praying - for someone to step up and volunteer to head a new ministry. But never, ever, underestimate the influence of one Spirit-empowered person’s good deeds.

Good works don’t save us but they are the means by which we lead others to salvation. As Paul wrote, we are created in Christ Jesus to do good works (Ephesians 2: 10). Let’s get busy and fulfill our purpose.

A Christian should do good works, not to be seen of men but because we are
seen of men.*

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