Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17, 2023

Proverbs 16: 18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. (NIV)

If we humble not ourselves under God’s grace, he will humble us under his judgments.*

When I think of the destruction that results from pride, or the fall caused by a haughty spirit, I recall times when I have been thinking I am “all that,” and how embarrassing it is to find out the hard way that I’m not. We’ve all had that moment when we’ve thought we were so smart or cute or funny, only to be brought low by reality. It can be a devastating blow to our pride. 

But pride is more than just a matter of personal humiliation over a blunder. Pride – or lack of humility – can separate us from an intimate relationship with God. It’s a Catch-22" situation: we’re too proud to ask God to make us humble. Humility isn’t a quality that is bestowed upon us in a magical ceremony – we acquire it as a result of humiliation of some sort. It’s no wonder we would prefer to avoid it! 

Perhaps instead of waiting for a surprise attack of humility, we could begin by behaving humbly. On purpose. Read John, chapter 13, verses 1 through 17, where, as I read in a Facebook post: “Jesus illustrated to his disciples what to do whenever you feel you are the greatest person in a room...grab a towel.” Of course, it’s possible to mask a prideful attitude with humble activities, but it would certainly be hard to maintain that haughty spirit while washing dirty feet. 

As you struggle with issues of pride, remember the words found in James 4: 10: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” Isn’t that better than trying to lift yourself up? And far superior to waiting for the destruction and the fall!

No one is immune to foolish actions fueled by pride. We may be afraid to ask God . . . to keep us humble because humility involves discomfort. . . . Why are we not far more frightened of what pride can do?*

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