Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18, 2023

Psalm 17: 15 And I – in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness. (NIV)

To see God’s face is to see and know him personally, deeply, and without the clouds of mystery that so often make faith difficult.*

For a long time now, technology has made it possible for us to hear the voices of our loved ones who are far away. But now we can also see their faces as we talk to them. This is a special blessing for grandparents whose grandchildren are growing up elsewhere.

God’s children may be satisfied with hearing his voice through various “technology” – the Bible, a sermon, a friend – but wouldn’t it be nice to see his face? Nice? What word could I use to describe what it would be like to see God’s expression when he’s looking at me? How would it feel to talk to him face to face, as with a friend, the way Moses did?

Perhaps you aren’t ready for such a close encounter with the Almighty. It’s one thing to acknowledge that he knows your every thought and reason; it would be another to look him in the eye. Someone has said that seeing God’s face is “a goal that is valuable only to someone who deeply loves God.”* Maybe you haven’t reached that level of intimacy with God. Begin now to invest more time in deepening your relationship with him. Prayer, Bible study, meditation, worship, fellowship, time alone with him – these are ways to help you draw so close to him that you can almost see his face!

Know him as he revealed himself.*

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