Tuesday, May 9, 2023

May 9, 2023

John 11: 35 Jesus wept. (NIV)

While Christians don’t grieve as those who have no hope, they still grieve.*

Jesus’ dear friends, Mary and Martha, sent a messenger to tell him that their brother was sick, but he died before Jesus got there. The sisters seemed to understand that Jesus had special powers, but they also realized that he might not choose to exercise those powers on their behalf. Although they believed in the resurrection, losing their brother left them grief-stricken – and perhaps a little put out with Jesus. When he saw Mary and the other mourners weeping, Jesus was “deeply moved in spirit and troubled.” (verse 33) 

Jesus knew there would be a happy ending – soon and later. Not only was he going to raise Lazarus from the dead right then, he knew that Lazarus would live again in eternity. So why was he crying? Because he cared about his friends’ grief. This may be the shortest verse in the Bible but it tells us everything about our Savior’s heart. He could have been smug and condescending because he knew something they didn’t know. He could have berated them for their lack of faith in him. He could have felt pity for them. Instead, he felt their pain and he cried with them. 

If you are a friend of Jesus, you are never alone in your suffering. He will never belittle you for being too sensitive. He will never condemn you for your lack of eternal perspective. When you grieve, Jesus grieves with you - just before his Spirit provides all the comfort you need. Big trouble, little trouble, he cares and he heals. He is the best friend you will ever have.

Because Lazarus called Jesus his friend, Jesus called Lazarus from the grave.*

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