Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29, 2023

Luke 10: 36, 37 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” (NIV)

A lot of people want to open up a conversation just to tell you you’re wrong.*

In this passage, we see once again how deftly Jesus dealt with difficult people. Even those who refuse to acknowledge him as God could learn from his skilled and compassionate handling of people. An expert of the law has prompted a parable – the Good Samaritan – by his specious question, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus doesn’t call him out on his insincerity; instead, he turns it into a teaching moment – not just for this man, but for all mankind. 

After listening to the parable, the man could not not know the answer when Jesus asked him, “Now, who was the neighbor to this man?” But it wasn’t enough for this law expert to admit that the neighbor was the one who showed mercy; Jesus confronts him with a challenge. “Go and do likewise,” he said. Neighborliness is reciprocal: If a person is your neighbor, then you are his neighbor, with all the rights and responsibilities thereof. Now the question becomes, not “who is my neighbor,” but, “To whom will I be a neighbor?”*

People never felt belittled by Jesus for their focus on the unimportant. They felt challenged.*

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