Friday, February 24, 2023

February 24, 2023

Psalm 16: 5, 6 Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. (NIV)

How much of our security and peace is the outcome of the civilised life we live, and how much of it is built up in faith in God?*

Some people have more than their fair share of trouble. Some of us have less trouble than seems equitable. Much of the world’s population is born into misery and hopelessness, while people like me enjoy lives of opportunity and prosperity. Is it a matter of good luck or bad luck? Does God love some of us more than he loves others?

In these verses, David seems to imply that God has given him the best things in life. If you know anything about David’s story, you realize that things did not always go smoothly for the "man after God’s own heart." Did he write this psalm at a particularly peaceful and prosperous time in his life or was he speaking figuratively?

“The boundary lines” refers to property that has been divided into portions, as for one’s heirs, perhaps. David finds his allotted property to be a pleasant place. Literally speaking, not everyone is pleased by the same places. Some prefer mountains over the seashore; some prefer where they are over a place they have never been. If you are happy with the boundary lines of your portion, perhaps it’s because you have chosen to have the right attitude about your circumstances. David says that the Lord has assigned his portion and cup – in other words, good or bad, it’s the lot he’s been given. Then he adds, “You have made my lot secure.” Any follower of Jesus can make the same claim. Our lives on earth may be full of trouble but we can rest in the promise of a secure, eternal future.

I don’t know why life isn’t fair, but each of us should endeavor to recognize the pleasant places in our lives and to be grateful for them. No matter your current situation, look ahead to better days. The psalmist says we have a delightful inheritance awaiting us.

People who don’t look forward to the future don’t enjoy the present either.*

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