Friday, February 3, 2023

Be Still - February 3, 2023

Colossians 4: 17 Tell Archippus: “See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.” (NIV)

We should seize every opportunity to give encouragement. It is oxygen to the soul.*

All we know about Archippus is what we read here and in Philemon 2 ("Archippus our fellow soldier”). It’s amazing that such brief and uninformative mention can generate such varying interpretations. Some commentators believe that poor Archippus was singled out for “censure,” or “reproof” because of some “slackness” on his part. Wouldn’t that be bad form on Paul’s part? If he needed to scold a “fellow soldier,” would he not have performed the deed personally rather than through a third party? If all we have is conjecture about Paul’s true intentions, then my spin is as good as theirs! So . . . here is what I think . . .

It is a fact that ministry is not for sissies and that anyone involved in church work needs encouragement from time to time. Perhaps Archippus was feeling discouraged about a lack of results or he was fed up with petty bickering among church people. At any rate, it is not a stretch to imagine that Paul saw that Archippus was in danger of looking for a “real” job and, recognizing the waste of talent that would be, wished to encourage the Colossians to encourage Archippus. As one writer observed: “When the Colossians spoke up, then Archippus knew his ministry was wanted.”* 

Let me remind you to be an encourager as well. The ministry staff at your church; your small group leader; a missionary; the church secretary, custodian, or bus driver; any of these servants could be on the brink of burn-out until your words of appreciation remind them that their work matters. God may have called Archippus and others like him to be fellow soldiers but he has called all of us to be encouragers.

Oh, and don’t forget to pray for them, too.

Silent gratitude isn’t much good to anyone.*

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