Wednesday, February 15, 2023

February 15, 2023

John 13: 7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” (NIV)

We do not obey only as far as we have no questions left unanswered. That would be a pitiably small degree of obedience.*

To put this verse into context: It is just before the Passover Feast, at the evening meal. Jesus gets up from the meal and proceeds to wash the disciples’ feet – a duty usually performed by slaves. His demonstration of humility went right over Peter’s head so Jesus very kindly explains things to Peter, knowing that eventually Peter will get it.

We may not be as impetuous as Peter, but we can be much like him in our lack of understanding and our desire for action. Our enlightenment may be delayed due to our own misconceptions and spiritual immaturity, so we jump to conclusions and act rashly because we don’t know what else to do.  We haven’t learned to wait.

As we grow in the Lord, we learn that we often have to wait for the Lord to open our eyes. Sometimes we don’t understand his will or his purpose until he is ready for us to understand, not because we’re slow learners. We learn to wait before we act because he has yet to reveal to us the steps we should take next. My spiritual growth spurts almost always occur while I am waiting.

Next time you are bewildered about what the Lord is doing in your life, remember his words to Peter: You don’t understand now but you will later. The promise should comfort you while you are waiting.

Meaningless activity can produce the same results as no activity at all.*

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