Saturday, February 11, 2023

February 11, 2023

Genesis 1: 3-26 And God said, “Let there be light,” . . . And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly across the expanse of the sky.” . . . And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures . . .” Then God said, “Let us make man in our image . . .” (NIV)

Often we fail to give God an opportunity to work, not realizing that it takes time for Him to answer prayer.*

If Adam and Eve could have been disembodied observers of the creation process, they might have been impatient with God’s timing. “Why don’t you create us first?” they might have wondered. “We’re your best and favorite creation, after all.” They would not understand how purposeful God is in arranging affairs for the good of his children. If he had created people first, they would have stumbled around in chaotic darkness with nothing to eat.

We are the same when we don’t think God is answering our prayers. If we don’t see instant results, we get impatient, sometimes to the detriment of our faith and our witness. We fail to consider that God is at that very moment making preparations for our good. You need a job? There’s one for you – as soon as he makes arrangements for the person who has that job right now. Tired of being single? He may even now be making arrangements for your path to cross with someone very special. (I met my husband two days after his divorce was final. No point in meeting him sooner!) Praying for a baby to complete your family? Perhaps your circumstances – finances, schedule, health, living conditions – will be better in a year.  God could grant our wishes instantaneously – but he won’t. A genie in a lamp might not consider how making your dreams come true could affect the lives of others but God does. So GIVE HIM TIME!

By faithfully waiting for God to answer our prayers according to his will and his timeframe, we grow. If we get what we asked for, our hearts are glad and thankful. If he doesn’t work things out according to our wishes, we praise him that in all things he works for our good. To attain that level of faith is better than to have a wish-granting genie.

Even while we wait, God is preparing the next step in his plan for our lives.*

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